Saturday, February 20, 2016


Hey Avias! Cosmic here, and sorry for not posting in the following days! Been busy >:(. So, I got a DIAMOND in the Daily Spin (Luck?) Also, I have a quest item, a rare Franky Mask. OH MY GOD SOMEONE SAID "member's only fashion show" AND ME, MELT, AND WIZ WENT IN! AND THEN THE PERSON SAID "get out!" THEN LOCKED US OUT!
RANDOM FACT: So you know how you reach JAG limits? You can refresh when you have that message then never have it for that session! Thanks to MELT for the tip!
Ok so I made a new page if anyone cares. So... all I'm doing is going to Cosmo's Cosmic's  Den, the NEWEST AJHQ Den and going to AJHQ's den and chatting on the AJQUEST Chat . Ok gtg bye

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Day Three (READ READ READ READ) - Disappointment on ROTPH

Hey Avias! Today I'm logging in for the first time (IN FOREVERRRRRRR) and I got 3 Diamonds on the Daily Spin. Time to spend them! I bought 1,000 gems with one diamond which makes 500 gems in Hard Mode so I bought a white Ribbon Scarf which totally wasted my gems (it was 500). I recycled a Fez about 2 times lol~  I traded my Misshapen Jamaaliday Gift for a Phantom Crate. I played ROTPH with Wiz, Self, and Melt. Self got a cork when we were on the keys O.O From the prize box I got Rare Spiked Hair WHILE THE OTHERS GOT A WORN (except for Self who got Freedom Wings). Ok I'm playing until I get a worn. I traded my tie for a stone circle. Then I traded my Rare Spiked Hair for an icy-blue Icicle Horn.


Monday, February 15, 2016

Day Two (Time Lapse)

So, me, Nuzlocke, and Badger are playing Return of the Phantoms Hard. I got a RARE GLOVE!
*                                                                                     *                                                                        *
I traded my frozen pond door for a tiger toy.
Sorry for the short post!
check my new page out for meanings

Sunday, February 14, 2016

More of Day One + Item Recap

So I traded my Freedom Bunny Hat for a Heart Backpack. Normal color. So, we're doing an Adventure now (Return of the Phantoms Hard) I got a green Tie. Now I'm playing Return of the Phantoms hard and I got a normal colored lei. I played Special Delivery and I got a heart lava lamp (x2), a blue moon necklace, butterfly wings (original color), a frozen pond door, and cocoa (yum!)! I got a Candy Cane Crown (an invisible one) from Return of the Phantoms Hard mode. So, I have 5 clothing items (butterfly wings, moon necklace, lei, tie, heart-shaped backpack) and 6 den items (frozen pond door, giant heart chocolate, two heart lava lamps, stone circle, small wood den portal).
Diamonds: 0
Animals: 2
Gems: 3,354
Total Items: 11

Day One

So Mel got a Ice Mira from a "beta" store. I have no items at the moment. I'm doing an Adventure with MELT and I now have a portal that is broken~ Also, I'm playing Return of the Phantoms and I got to level 2~ I got a stone circle. Now we're playing Return of the Phantoms Hard. I got a..... DUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUDNDUNDUNDUND Check after the page break.


Hello! My name is Cosmic and I'm doing Hard Mode inspired by Meloetta385! So, my goal is to get  and do that kind of stuff. So, I will not be able to post pictures, I'm sorry. Well, not right now. See you soon!